Wednesday, May 12, 2010

(My) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

I'm back and I want this Operation... So badly...

Clementine: Wish me a happy Valentine's Day when you call. That'd be... nice!

Joel: I could die right now, Clem. I'm just... happy. I've never felt that before.

I'm just exactly where I want to be.

Clementine: I'm gonna marry you... I know it!

Joel: Ummm... okay...

[as Joel and Clementine eat out, he thinks about the other glum-looking couples in the restaurant]

Joel: Are we like those couples you see in restaurants? Are we the dining dead?

Clementine: You don't tell me things, Joel. I'm an open book.

I tell you everything, every damn, embarrassing thing!
Joel: Constantly talking isn't necessarily communicating...

Clementine: You know me, I'm impulsive.

Joel: That's what I love about you.

Joel: I'm erasing you and I'm happy!

By morning, you'll be gone...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Já está criado, em breve vou escrever algo direitinho para lá ;)

É tudo o que procuramos...o amor, até porque é ele que nos traz a felicidade e as desilusões, faz-nos crescer enquanto seres humanos, por vezes dói mas faz-nos feliz ao ponto de perfeição, ainda que momentanea.

Beijo, if you need something just say, "I'm on call" ;)